Insuring the Sunshine State Bike by Bike

Daily Archives: April 28, 2017

Finding All Your Bike Necessities

Now that you have your new motorcycle, and have it insured, there are a few small things that you’ll need that you may have not thought of. We hope that when you bought the bike that you thought to buy the most important things like a helmet but there a few things that can be picked up at local stores that you may want to go ahead and invest in soon. Don’t worry about spending too much money. We’ll help you find the best deals so that you have gas money to go on your nice long ride after your shopping adventure.

Cleaning Supplies
Going through a car wash on a motorcycle is not really ideal so you’ll want to go ahead and make sure that you have all the cleaning supplies you’ll need to wash your bike yourself. Go ahead and invest in a good bug wash so that when the Florida love-bug season comes along you’ll be prepared! A good thing to have on hand is Armor All wipes as these can be easily stashed so that you can grab one quick and give your dash a quick wipe down when you’re done riding for the day. You can find all of these supplies at any department stores like Target. Go ahead and buy a few things so you can use one of the coupons found at Target’s Groupon Page and save some money!

A good quality pair of sunglasses is a must when you ride a motorcycle. You don’t have the convenience of a sun shade like your trusty old car had so you’ll want to use something to protect your eyes. Don’t skimp on the price here. While there are ways to find great deals you want to make sure that you have good quality that can give you top notch protection from the sun as well as handle the roughness of bike riding. Check out Groupon for awesome deals on Oakley’s for check out the Groupon Sunglass Search for a great selection of other brands at great deals.

Riding Boots
Unless you enjoy having sore feet and ankles you will definitely want to go ahead and buy a good pair of bike riding boots. It might seem like an expensive purchase but the first time you take a long ride you’ll be glad that you have them. A good quality pair of leather motorcycle riding boots will protect your feet from the elements and will make riding more comfortable. You can find awesome deals on top quality boots when you shop at Cycle Gear. You’ll also find a great selection for men and women so you’ll be able to find boots that will match your wallet and personality.

Of course the most important element to a great bike ride is the ability to relax, have fun, and feel the earth as it goes zooming past you. On the open road with no one to distract you and to be able to be alone with your thoughts is good for the mind and soul, not to mention that it’s a lot of fun!